Disability And The Church

Disability and the Church is a podcast aiming to equip us to truly be inclusive and welcoming to all. I, Emily, Disability Advisor for the Diocese of Leicester, wanted a space where we can chat about all kinds of different areas in disability inclusion and how they might translate to our church settings. I hope it is a friendly and fun place for us to learn new things and challenge ourselves! If you have a topic or discussion you'd love to hear happen then get in touch: emily.williams@leccofe.org Follow me on twitter to join the discussion: @mrsemwilliams

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Thursday Jan 21, 2021

Emily’s husband, Ben, takes the reigns for this episode allowing you the opportunity to learn a bit more about Emily and her hopes and dreams for her time in the Leicester Diocese.

Thursday Jan 21, 2021

WAVE is all about seeing true inclusion within all our communities and the benefits that it brings to each and every individual. Bernice talks all about her personal experiences which lead her to starting WAVE. She gives some really useful top tips that we can easily transfer to our church settings.

Tuesday Jan 19, 2021

Roy gives us a snapshot of the journey that the C of E has been on with inclusion and gives insight into what his role involves in the day to day, especially in the middle of the pandemic!

Tuesday Jan 19, 2021

With both professional and lived experience of disability Kay really is a font of knowledge! Co-founder of the Additional Needs Alliance, council member for the Evangelical Alliance & consultant and advisor in disability and additional needs we chat all about supporting children and families with additional needs within your church family.

Tuesday Jan 19, 2021

Learn about the Christian deaf community within the Leicester Diocese. Karen talks us through the journey to where they are now and shares some great tips and insights into church as a BSL user or someone that has hearing loss.

Thursday Jan 14, 2021

Get to know what Makaton is and why it is so widely used within the SEND community. Using Makaton within church settings can present rather unique challenges, thankfully Becky set about solving those!

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